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    agebuzz Guest Blogger: Marc Rothman MD

    Your Aging Brain LOVES The Visual & Performing Arts! By Dr. Marc Rothman

    Incorporate art into daily activities to increase mood, decrease stress, and care for your brain By Marc Rothman, MD   Believe it or not, parts of your brain are in constant contact with the outside world: your eyes process photons and wavelengths of light, your ears interpret vibrations, your nose…

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    Marc Rothman MD

    Dr. Marc Rothman has dedicated his professional career to helping older adults. As CEO of Lizzy Care, a full-service dementia care management company, Dr. Rothman draws from his years as a practicing physician and physician executive to design programs that deliver care more safely and effectively. Dr. Rothman is also the founder of Dementia Spring Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports artists and innovators who are telling new stories of dementia, curating programs engaging those living with dementia, and harnessing creativity to foster community and hope.

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