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    agebuzz Guest Blogger: Alice Herb

    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: What I Never Knew About Patient Care

    By Alice Herb   As many readers already know, I was hospitalized in early May. By the time I got my head around my being sick, I was discharged and told to go about my life. Which I have. But now I have had some time for reflection and want…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Immigration And America

    By Alice Herb   America, from its inception, has always been seen as the land of opportunity. Whether as a land to escape to from their native lands, or as a place to defeat poverty, oppression, and discrimination, America has always been the destination. The incoming refugees and immigrants from…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: How I Ended Up Hospitalized

    By Alice Herb   One evening in May, I had an unexpected medical event, and I thought I would pass on to all of you what happened to me. I wasn’t feeling well, but it was a Sunday, and I wondered if I should try to get professional advice and…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Pilates and Me

    By Alice Herb   Back when I was a youngster of 79, I decided that if I didn’t do something about my antipathy toward exercise, I would end up using a walker or worse yet, in a wheelchair unable to lead the life I enjoyed. I had always imagined myself…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: What I Hate To Do But Have To Do Anyway

    By Alice Herb   I’ve just returned from the bank where I was trying to withdraw cash from my account to deposit the money across the street in my granddaughter’s bank account. The withdrawal ended up being simple but when I got to the other bank, it was closed. So…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Three Plus Careers

    By Alice Herb   I’m often asked how I managed to have three distinct careers during my professional life. I hadn’t actually ever thought about it seriously until I was asked to share my story. As I started thinking about it, I realized a few years ago I had seamlessly…

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    Alice Herb

    Alice Herb is a retired attorney, journalist, and bioethics consultant. Having reached the age of 90+, she’s more than ready to share her experiences and opinions with agebuzz readers. Want to comment on something she’s said? She welcomes your feedback at [email protected]. Her blog post header title is “Been There, Done That: Nice Decades And Counting.”

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