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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Immigration And America

    By Alice Herb   America, from its inception, has always been seen as the land of opportunity. Whether as a land to escape to from their native lands, or as a place to defeat poverty, oppression, and discrimination, America has always been the destination. The incoming refugees and immigrants from…

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    Lessening: A Labor Of Love By Susanna P. Barton

    By Susanna P. Barton   One of the biggest hazards confronting older adults in their second half is drowning in self-focus and self-stuff – getting weighted down by our own egos and the life collections, impractical furnishings, and useless objects neither we nor our loved ones need, want, or cherish….

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    Meeting The Needs Of Professional Caregivers By Lance A. Slatton

    By Lance A. Slatton   In homes across the country, professional caregivers (distinct from family caregivers) are pillars of support, providing essential care and comfort to those who need it most. These dedicated professionals, often overlooked, play a crucial role in the healthcare system, ensuring that patients receive the attention…

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    Finding The Discipline And The Route To Wellness By Louise Applebome

    By Louise Applebome   Having taught yoga for about 17 years (I was a late bloomer) one of my greatest joys is sharing what I most love and appreciate about my yoga practice with others. I like to introduce new poses, new uses for props, new sequences, variations on a…

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    Home, Sweet Home: Planning for Our Senior Experience By Susanna P. Barton

    By Susanna P. Barton   Part of making a solid plan for the Golden Years is aligning our visions of our second half with reality. That involves getting educated on the costs, scope, and affordability of these aspirations. Does your vision include world travel and family trips, fancy cars, and…

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    Been There, Done That: Nine Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: How I Ended Up Hospitalized

    By Alice Herb   One evening in May, I had an unexpected medical event, and I thought I would pass on to all of you what happened to me. I wasn’t feeling well, but it was a Sunday, and I wondered if I should try to get professional advice and…

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    Wabi-Sabi: How A Japanese Aesthetic Can Help You Grow Older Gracefully By Renee Langmuir

    By Renee Langmuir   Every morning, as part of my spiritual practice, I read from three books. Two volumes are daily inspirations based on Taoist philosophy by Deng Ming-Dao. As soon as I come to the end of each book, I start over, because the readings always seem fresh and…

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    We’re The Ones Who Can Change It, And That Gives Me Hope By Mary Fridley

    By Mary Fridley   Dementia is not easy on anyone. Does it help that dementia continues to be framed by a dehumanizing “tragedy narrative” perpetuated in a self-serving fashion by a biomedical industry that has few if any answers? Definitely not. But the rest of us – including the “us”…

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    A Balancing Act: Considering The Needs Of Family Caregivers By Lance A. Slatton

    By Lance A. Slatton   In the quiet corners of countless homes across the nation, family caregivers are performing an extraordinary balancing act. These unsung heroes are the backbone of home care, providing essential support to elderly or disabled family members, whilst often juggling jobs, households, and personal lives. They…

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    Draft Your Legacy Letter in 15 Minutes With 5 Simple Steps By Kathleen Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®., CeFT® Emeritus       What’s a Legacy Letter?   We all want to be remembered, to leave something behind at the end of our life —more than just money and “stuff.” What influence do you want to have when you’re gone?   You…

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    Julie Buyon

    Julie Buyon is a palliative care patient advocate who assists people who have serious and complex illnesses navigate a challenging health care environment. Her focus is on making patients feel empowered and powerful. She has worked in hospitals and nursing homes, and run many community programs for seniors about health…

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