Arm Up: Updates On Recommended Pneumonia and Flu Vaccinations

Arm Up: Updates On Recommended Pneumonia and Flu Vaccinations
July 10, 2019
While we typically associate winter with illnesses like flu or pneumonia, some recent expert advice and recommendations put these topics on our summer news cycle.
First, regarding the pneumonia vaccine Prevnar 13, a Federal Advisory panel has reconsidered the previous recommendation that all adults 65 and older receive this vaccination. Instead, the CDC now advises that adults over 65 receive the vaccination in consultation with a physician, rather than receiving it automatically. It’s a subtle distinction but an important recognition that not every senior will necessarily need this pneumonia vaccination. Older people are just not being exposed to pneumonia the way they used to be. And there is evidence that the vaccine is only marginally effective among those who are 65+. So before you roll up your sleeve, take a look at the evolving advice here. But know that Medicare will still pay for this vaccine (as well as for the shingles, Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines).
The CDC also put out some recent advice regarding the flu vaccine, which we typically receive in the United States from October-April. The good, common sense advice? Summer travel could put you at risk for influenza, especially if you head to the Southern Hemisphere or the tropics, or you find yourself among large tourist groups, such as on a cruise. So make sure you are vaccinated for influenza and do so at least 2 weeks before your excursion begins.