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    Search Results for: positive

    The Upside: Positive Aging Is Possible And Important Even In The Face Of Challenges

    There are many reasons why at this time in your life, it might be hard to have a positive outlook on aging. We all face challenges as we get older, whether it’s due to our physical health, the health or well-being of loved ones, or such matters as finances, employment,…

    Accentuate The Positive: Tricks And Tips For An Upbeat Attitude

    There’s no doubt that a positive attitude can support healthier aging. In fact, studies show that staying positive and optimistic as you get older can be as health-promoting for you as exercising or eating well. And as we’ve previously noted, Yale professor Becca Levy’s research has found that positive attitudes…

    Embracing Aging: The Power Of A Positive Attitude

    There’s a lot in the world to be anxious about these days, and that doesn’t even include your own personal set of challenges and losses as you get older. There’s no doubt that similar to childbirth, you never really know what getting older will be like until you actually go…

    Accent The Positive: A Good Attitude Leads To Better Health

    The French philosopher and writer Voltaire is thought to have once said, “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” Despite living in the 18th century, Voltaire was onto something relevant and recognized today: a focus on positive thinking not only will help with your…

    Push The Positive: Promoting Age As An Asset Rather Than A Liability

    Despite the growing number of older adults in our population, it seems that many of us in our later years still face strong headwinds when it comes to bucking ageist attitudes. While only comprising 16% of the population in 2017, adults over age 60 will constitute 22% of the population…

    Dreams And Doulas: Positive Influences As Death Approaches

    If there’s any silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic, it just may be that each of us has had to confront the reality of death in a way we’ve never had to previously. While so many during COVID have had to face the harsh reality of a hospital death without…