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    Search Results for: falls

    Slips And Falls: The Indignities and Injuries From Falling

    Welcome to 2024. Will it be a productive, prosperous, and happy New Year? Or will injury or embarrassment befall you at some point, as you find yourself tripping, slipping, or otherwise heading to the ground? You know the statistics, or you should at this point, given how often we at…

    Fall All Over: New CDC Data Shows Troubling Nationwide Increase in Deadly Falls

    It’s a new month and we have a new study confirming the serious threat that falls pose to older adults. According to a recent report from the CDC examining the incidence of non-fatal and fatal falls among older adults (65 and older), from 2020-2021, there was a 7.6% increase in…

    Public Health Peril: Nationwide Surge In Fatal Falls Reported

    Maybe you wonder why agebuzz spends so much time focused on balance and fall prevention. Well, as we’ve previously pointed out, around the world falls are the primary cause of accidental deaths and now we have new data reporting that fatal falls more than doubled among US older adults, from…

    Strong And Steady: More Insights On Preventing Falls

    As we approach the winter weather season, it’s likely that we’ll face more risk of slipping and falling outside. With slick surfaces, clunkier footwear, and just more fear of falling, the chances of a fall and possible injury go up. No doubt there are plenty of resources and recommendations, on…

    Land On Your Feet: Exercises To Support Balance And Prevent Falls

    It’s almost a rite of passage: Reach a certain age, take a stumble, and a serious injury is almost inevitable. The data alone are worth repeating: One in four adults 65 and over suffers a fall each year and 3 million adults over 65 wind up in the hospital ER…

    Springtime Sleepiness: How To Stay Awake And Upright By Molly Roffman, Balance & Falls Expert

    By agebuzz Guest Blogger Molly Roffman, Founder Of StepWISEnow Balance Fitness   Do you ever feel as though the onset of spring is a bit overwhelming? Does it seem like everyone else is eager to rush outdoors and enjoy the bright sunshine while you’re feeling like crawling back under the…